11 Setup: RStudio Shortcuts

Purpose: Your ability to get stuff done is highly dependent on your fluency with your tools. One aspect of fluency is knowing and using keyboard shortcuts. In this exercise, we’ll go over some of the most important ones.

Reading: Keyboard shortcuts; Code Chunk Options Note: Use this reading to look up answers to the questions below. Rather than memorizing this information, I recommend you download a cheatsheet, and either print it out or save it in a convenient place on your computer. Get used to referencing your cheatsheets while doing data science—practice makes perfect!

11.0.1 q1 What do the following keyboard shortcuts do?

  • Within the script editor or a chunk

    • Alt + -

Insert assignment operator <-

* `Shift` + `Cmd/Ctrl` + `M`

Insert pipe operator %>%

* `Cmd/Ctrl` + `Enter`

If no text is highlighted, run complete expression that cursor is on, and advance to the next line. If text is highlighted, run selected text.

* `F1` (Note: on a Mac you need to press `fn` + `F1`)

If cursor is on a function name, pull up the help page for the function.

* `Cmd/Ctrl` + `Shift` + `C`

Comment/uncomment the code at the cursor, or highlighted code.

  • Within R Markdown

    • Cmd/Ctrl + Alt + I

Insert chunk.

  • Within a chunk

    • Shift + Cmd/Ctrl + Enter

Run current chunk.

* `Ctrl` + `I` (`Cmd` + `I`)

Re-indent selected lines.

Try this below!

## This is what it should look like
## [1] "foo" "bar" "goo" "gah"

11.0.2 q2 For a chunk, what header option do you use to

  • Run the code, don’t display it, but show its results?


  • Run the code, but don’t display it or its results?


11.0.3 q3 How do stop the code in a chunk from running once it has started?

Click the red square in the top right corner of the chunk.

11.0.4 q4 How do you show the “Document Outline” in RStudio?

Hint: Try googling “rstudio document outline”

Use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + Shift + O (Windows), Super + Shift + O (Mac), or click the icon in the top-right of RStudio (it’s between the Publish and Compass icons).