24 Reproducibility: Collaborating with GitHub

Purpose: Git and GitHub are extremely useful for collaboration, but they take some getting used to. In this partner exercise, you will learn how to contribute to a partner’s work, and how to merge contributions to your own work. This will be your first taste of using Git not just as a way to track changes, but also as a powerful collaboration tool.

Reading: GitHub Forking (Optional / Reference)

24.1 Overview

At a high level, what you and your partner are going to do is create a copy of each others’ public repos, make a change, and request that your partner merge those changes into their own repo. Using this workflow, you and your partner will be able to collaborate asynchronously on the same documents, all while maintaining safe version control of your work.

In this case you’ll make trivial edits to the TODO items below, but in practice you can use an identical process to edit things like software and reports.

24.2 Partner Team

(You and your partner will edit the TODO items separately and combine, through the magic of git!)

Title Person
Forking Partner TODO
Merging Partner TODO

Note: All instructions below are coded for either the Forking partner, the Merging partner, or Both. Note that you will both do all of these steps, but you will take turns being Forking and Merging. Pay attention to when these flags change—that indicates where you and your partner need to take different actions.

24.2.1 q1 (Both) Pick a partner in the class, preferably from your learning team. You must mutually agree to complete this exercise together, which will involve forking your partner’s public repo and making a pull request.

24.3 Forking Partner

24.3.1 q2 (Forking) Navigate to your partner’s GitHub repo page, and click the Fork button on the top-right of the page.

Fork button on a repo, near the top-right of the page
Fork button on a repo, near the top-right of the page

Depending on how much you’ve used GitHub already, you may get an additional menu once you click Fork. For instance, I’m part of some other organizations, and have the option to fork under those other accounts. Make sure to fork under your own account.

Example prompt with multiple organizations
Example prompt with multiple organizations

Wait for the forking process to finish….


What you’ve just done is create a copy of your partner’s repository; you can now edit this copy as your own. This is called a fork of a repository. Clone your forked repository to your machine to create a local version that you can edit. Remember that you click the “copy to clipboard” button under Code:


Then use the command below to clone your fork:

# You should be able to paste the git@github.com part you copied above
$ git clone git@github.com:YOUR-USERNAME/YOUR-FORKED-REPO

24.3.2 q3 (Forking) Add your partner’s repository as a remote. The reading described how to do this from the command line; use the command within your forked repository

$ git remote add upstream https://github.com/UPSTREAM-USER/ORIGINAL-PROJECT.git

where you should replace UPSTREAM-USER with your partner’s GitHub username, and ORIGINAL-PROJECT with the name of your partner’s GitHub public repo (the one you forked). What this does is allow you to pull any changes your partner makes in their own repo using the command git fetch upstream. We won’t use that command in this exercise, but it’s good to be aware of.

24.3.3 q5 (Forking) Inspect your partner’s repository (your forked-and-cloned version); if they don’t have an exercises directory, create a new one. Within that exercise directory either open their existing e-rep-05-collab-assignment.Rmd, or copy this file into the exercises directory. Edit the TODO above under Forking Partner to be your own name.

24.3.4 q6 (Forking) Commit your changes, and push them to your forked repository. If you do $ git push, you will probably see something like:

fatal: The current branch dev_addname has no upstream branch.
To push the current branch and set the remote as upstream, use

    git push --set-upstream origin master

If you see this, it’s because Git is not willing to make assumptions about where you want to push. The --set-upstream origin master tells Git to push to origin (which should be set to your forked repository if you cloned it in q2 above), while master tells Git to push the changes to the master branch.

Follow the instructions by running

$ git push --set-upstream origin master

This will push your commit(s) to your forked repo. Now you have the changes in your personal copy of your partner’s work. Our task is now to request that our partner incorporate these changes in their own repository.

24.3.5 q7 (Forking) Navigate your browser to your forked repository on GitHub. You should see a banner like the following:

Pull request
Pull request

Click the Pull request to start the process of making a pull request (PR). Add a comment justifying the PR, and click Create pull request. Your partner will now be able to see your PR. Your merging partner will finish the rest of the exercise (though you should still complete the merging part on your own repo!).

24.4 Merging Partner

q8 (Merging) Open your public repo GitHub page; you should see that your partner has an open pull request.You can see the list of pull requests by clicking on the Pull requests tab towards the top of your repo.

List pull requests
List pull requests

Note: You’ll probably also get an automated email from GitHub once your partner opens a PR.

Your task is to merge their pull request. Click on the merge request your partner opened; for instance mine was described as Adding exercises dir, rep05.Rmd by mdelrosa.

Select PR
Select PR

Hopefully, you will see the message “This branch has no conflicts with the base branch. Merging can be performed automatically.” This means that the edits your partner made don’t conflict with any changes you made. Thus Git can automagically combine all the edits. Click Merge pull request and Confirm merge to proceed.

Note: If you don’t see “Merging can be performed automatically,” please reach out to one of the teaching team. We’ll gladly help you out!

Merge PR
Merge PR

Once done, the page should change to let you know that you completed the merge, as shown below:

Merged PR
Merged PR

q8 (Merging) Now you will pull the most recent changes to your local copy of your repo. before pulling. Navigate to the directory of your repo. Make sure to commit any stray changes (e.g. in-progress exercises!). Then run git pull.

$ cd /path/to/your/repo
$ git pull

This will pull down the latest changes that your partner made.

24.4.1 q9 (Merging) Replace TODO above under Merging partner to complete the exercise. Commit and push these changes to your repo.

24.5 Forking Partner

24.5.1 q10 (Forking) Now your partner has successfully merged your edits, but in

order to keep collaborating, you’ll need to update your fork based on your partner’s current (and future!) edits.

Use the following command to fetch your partner’s edits.

$ git fetch upstream

Note that this hasn’t actually changed your local repo; to see this check out your branches.

$ git branch -va

Note that I have my own master branch, and also have my partner’s upstream/master that has the merged pull request from q8.

Branches for forked repo
Branches for forked repo

In order to keep your forked copy of your partner’s repo current, run the following commands.

# Make sure you're on the master branch
$ git checkout master
# merge your master with your partner's upstream/master
$ git merge upstream/master

If you do this after your partner has changed and pushed the assignment in q9, you should see both your and your partner’s name in the assignment document.

Aside: That was a lot of work just to get two names in one document. But the advantage in this process is that the document was rigorously controlled through every stage of this process, and you now have a fully reversible and searchable history of the document through all the changes. Git takes a lot of work to learn, but is extraordinarly powerful for collaboration.